Category Locksmith

Egyptian Pin Tumbler Locks

Few inventions hold as much historical significance as the Egyptian pin tumbler locks. These ingenious mechanisms, dating back to ancient Egypt, represent a pivotal moment in the evolution of security systems. Playing a crucial role in safeguarding treasures, secrets, and…

Locks of the Roman Era

In history, the Roman Empire shines as a beacon of innovation and architectural brilliance. Yet, amidst the renowned marvels of aqueducts, colosseums, and sprawling roads, the locks of the Roman era are lesser known gems. These Roman locks held a…

Roman Ward Locks

In the vast history of ancient Rome, warded locks shine brightly as steadfast protectors of property and safety. These clever contraptions, marked by inner barriers that blocked the keyhole, represented a big step forward in olden lock technology. All across…

History of Locks

Schlage history of locks

Lock is estimated to be more than 4.5 thousands year old. The earliest locks were  made of wood and were discovered in the palace ruins of Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria (Persia). The oldest lock discovered were used in…